How should you work on your business?

Business is another route to pursue. This does not have to be after you finish secondary school. The world is constantly changing and new ideas are being thought of. Every child from a young age should involve themselves with business as it will help later on when they become an adult.

In business investors can help provide the capital to develop the idea or product forward, this means you do not have to work for many years to acquire savings to progress you business idea. You can also find mentors to help guide you, this could be anyone from parents, older siblings, teachers or a person in a professional position.

Business is a path anyone can purse, but it does not have to be the main path. You should apply for one of the traditional career paths (university, apprenticeship or course) as your main route and work on your business idea on the side, this will give you a good foundation to fall back on if your business idea does not pan out. Furthermore, business is a route you can purse at any age, you do not have to pass up on other career paths because everyone else is starting a business.

If you are successful in starting up a business and need more money to push it forward, you can try a couple of options:
  • The bank of family- you can appeal to the best interests of friends and family to invest into your business
  • Crowdfunding - apply for crowdfunding where people in the public can fund your ideas
  • Pitch to Investors - build a business pitch which you can present to potential investors
  • Solo it - you can build capital yourself by working somewhere
Remember if your business idea does not work out even after you put a lot of effort into it, it is ok. Not all business ideas work out and there is always more time, where you can start another business endeavor or pursue another career path.