Pharmacy Technician

About Pharmacy Technician

A pharmacy requires a qualified pharmacist to be open, however, the pharmacist will need a team to keep the pharmacy moving forward. This team will require a pharmacy technician. Pharmacy technicians will prepare medication for prescriptions, advice patients on prescription or over the counter medication and help manage medical stocks.

Type of Course

You will have some formal academic lectures and you will be working in the pharmacy you are currently working in. You will need to construct a portfolio to proof you have demonstrated your competency and knowledge. The portfolio you will construct will be signed off by a qualified professional, usually the managing pharmacist.

Entry Requirements

To attend these courses you will need:

GCSEs that suit this Course

Regardless of what GCSEs you do you can always go down various career paths, but certain GCSEs will give you an advantage and some will be required. Below is a list of GCSEs which will help you with pharmacy technician course:

A-levels that suit this Course

You will most likely not need A-levels to enter any course, but you will need to future proof your career, so it is still good to have A-levels. Regardless of what A-levels you do you can always go down various career paths, but certain A-levels will give you an advantage and some will be required. Below is a list of A-levels which will help you with pharmacy technician course:

Duration of Course

The course is usually quite long as it requires a lot to be learned and proven, as well as taken time to successfully prove your competency. The usual duration is between 24 - 30 months.

Course cost

The pharmacy technician course will cost between £3500 - £5000 depending on which provider you go through.

Who This Course Suits?

Every course will be enjoyable and suit different personalities, below is a list of characteristics and personalities which will enjoy a pharmacy technician course:

Module /Topics

Pharmacy technician course has many topics that need to be covered, below is a list of the topics that will be in the curriculums.

Industry Sectors

Pharmacy technician course allows you too apply to different industries, below is a list of them:

Types of Jobs

Pharmacy technician course allows you to apply to a wide variety of roles, below is a list of them:

Work hours and Salary

You will normally work between 37.5 - 40 hours a week depending on how the shifts at the pharmacy are set up.

As a qualified pharmacy technician you will earn £24,000 - £30,000 per a year and with experience (2-4 years) you can see it rise to £29,000 - £38,000. You can increase your salary by doing additional course such as vaccination course, cosmetic courses, blood testing, blood pressure testing etc…